Children are all poets, perhaps because their associations are not absolute, or perhaps because their vocabulary is limited. Their whimsy can easily become a story, a scene.
This exhibition is a collaborative creation between the writer Huang Aihua and her three-and-a-half-year-old daughter. Over the past year and a half, the author has recorded many of her daughter's whimsies, sometimes startling, sometimes poetic, sometimes whimsical. In order to continue to develop her daughter's precious little thoughts, as her language skills are not yet mature, the writer began to seek the help of the AI program 'Mid Journey,' using pictures as guidance to co-create images. The author also documented their interactions and created text for the AI art.
Throughout the entire process, it highlights the mutual imitation ability between artificial intelligence and human intelligence, and demonstrates the creative potential of future technology in the humanities and arts. Within what is considered to be the cold and unfeeling technology, it explores the warmth and intimacy that should naturally exist between parent and child.
Extended period:
16-21 July 2024
Central Art Fusion
Maximum of eight parent-child pairs each time
About the creator:
Wong Oi-wa, a graduate of the School of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, holds a Master's degree in Media Studies from the University of Oslo. She has twice received the Hong Kong Youth Literary Award (Novel category). She is the author of the novel collection 'Giraffes in the City' and the translator of the picture book 'Once Upon a Time in Hong Kong.' Her articles can be found in 'Ming Pao,' 'Fleurs des lettres,' and Cup.