Fringe Club Young Art Festival

Fringe Club Young Art Festival

AI Art Parent-child Story Creation Workshop:

The Fantasies of Children and Me

AI Art Parent-child Story Creation Workshop:

Children and My Imagination

A child's casual remark can sometimes be a poem, a scene from a story. But due to limited expression, the imagination can only be touched upon.

Each parent participating in the workshop, please bring a whimsical idea or sentence from your child. You will try to create drawings using AI with your child. Creator Wong Oi Wah will not only share her insights on inspiring children to develop stories, but also teach basic creative writing skills, giving every parent-child pair the chance to jointly create their own imaginative illustrations and text.

On a summer night, we invite you and your child to explore their fleeting inspirations through art and technology.

Participants can print their collaborative artwork on the spot.

* Parents, please prepare at least one whimsical idea or sentence from your child in advance

* Each pair of participants, please bring your own tablet or laptop with WiFi connection to the venue


16/7 2024 Promoted to K2 - P1 or 4-6 years 

18/7 2024 Promoted to P2 - P4 or 7-9 years


Fringe Club, Central
Up to eight parent-child pairs each time

About the creator:

Wong Oi Wa, a graduate of the School of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, holds a Master's degree in Media Studies from the University of Oslo. She has twice won the Hong Kong Youth Literary Award (Novel Group). She is the author of the novel collection 'Giraffes in the City' and the translator of the picture book 'Once Upon a Time in Hong Kong'. Her articles have appeared in 'Ming Pao', 'Fleurs des lettres', and Cup.